Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Are we still together?

So, me and this guy named Justin met at a keg party about 6 or 7 months ago. We have seen each other before that but we never talked until the party. He was dating this fat chick that treated him like ****, they have a kidd together, he almost a year old, I think. He was messing around with me since the party, but he was still with her, and I had no clue. They were living together until about a month ago. He moved in with his brother and then he left the chick he lived with for me. He always told me how lucky he was to have me and that he loved me more then anyone or anything.. blah blah blah. He was/is everything to me. But for the past week he barely texts me and never asks to hang out and today I asked him if he would come to ashland to stay with me at my sisters, and he said I dont know. I asked if he even wanted to and he said idk. But I forgot to tell you how he just moved to Perrysville yesterday, but he DIDNT even tell me he was moving, he didnt plan on telling me. He said he was scared to tell me. Now he hasnt texted me back in hours.. What should I do in a situation like this? And are we still together?

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